Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What's Flamingo Scrambling

"Flamingo flocking" is the name given to a fund-raising gimmick that typically involves the use of plastic lawn flamingos to collect donations for a charitable cause. Traditionally, the pink ornaments are placed on an individual's front lawn with a note that outlines the charity and the donation required to have the flamingos removed.


Flamingo flocking is most commonly organized by a community group, such as a church group, sports team or charitable organization. The sponsoring group usually issues a pamphlet ahead of time to explain what the flocking is for, what charity it aims to help and when it will take place. At this time, people can purchase "flocking insurance" to avoid having flamingo placed on their lawns.

Donation Amounts

The cost to have flamingos removed varies depending on the fund-raising goal and size of the community being flocked. If the flocking is done by a large church group, the donation size can be relatively small, such as $5 for flamingo removal; if the community is small, donations might be $10. One way to increase donations is to offer the flocked "victim" the option of having the flamingos moved to a lawn of their choice. This option might cost them an additional $5, but it allows them to actively participate in the event.


Flamingo flocking is not limited to an outdoor setting. Co-workers can plan "flockings" in their offices by using paper flamingo cutouts and decorating different workers' cubicles. The rules of the flamingo flocking can be changed accordingly. Those who wish to have a more interactive flocking experience can place bets on whether or not the organizers will be able to get the flamingos on the lawn without the victim realizing it's happening. If the victim catches the "flockers" before they can successfully plant the flamingo on the lawn, the victim can donate the minimum amount and pick another target at no additional cost.


Flamingo flocking is an interactive way to collect donations for a cause; as a result, it can raise more money and involve more people. Planting bright pink flamingos on someone's front lawn is an attention-getting way to raise awareness about a cause beyond the community being flocked. Many people who plan "flockings" will create a lawn sign that briefly explains the purpose of the flamingos.


It is important to consider the possibility that not everyone will be willing to participate in this kind of event. There should always be an option where the victim can have the flamingo's removed immediately, without having to donate. Additionally, realistic donation amounts ensure a smooth sailing event. For example, suggesting donations of $50 to have the flamingo's removed may only result in complaints.

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