Samsung LCD TV screens should be handled carefully to prevent damage. Do not clean them the same way you clean a glass-television. Glass-cleaning chemicals such as ammonia, and scratchy cloths, towels and paper towels can harm the soft plastic of an LCD screen.
Fortunately, these TV screens will rarely get very dirty, except for dustiness and/or the occasional fingerprint. When it's time to clean, it's unnecessary to spend a lot of time or money to get a crystal clear screen.
1. Dust the Samsung LCD screen with a dry, soft dusting cloth, feather duster or by using compressed air (comes in a can and can usually be found at office supply stores). Dusting is important. It prevents dust particles from scratching the screen as you damp-clean.
2. Put 1/4 cup of isopropyl alcohol and 1/4 cup of water in a clean spray bottle. Shake the solution well. The spray bottle should either be new or cleaned well, so no traces of other chemicals will be applied to the LCD screen.
3. Spray the solution onto a clean microfiber cloth. Do not spray the solution directly onto the screen. Dampen the cloth lightly. If necessary, add more solution to the cloth.
4. Wipe the screen with the cloth, starting at the top and along the sides. Use straight, up-and-down wiping motions. Don't press too hard, a light touch is best. If the cloth shows an abundance of dirt, fold it to a clean side or use a new clean cloth.
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