Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Result Of Oil Spills On Animal Existence

Birds covered
in oil have their movement restricted.

Oil spills can damage birds, mammals and plant life. Different species react differently to oil spills. For example, some animals may drown as oil coats their bodies or the surface of the water while others are susceptible to starvation as their food becomes contaminated.


Oil can destroy the insulation and waterproofing of feathers. This can cause hypothermia. Seal pups can get hypothermia if the insulation of their coats is damaged.


Birds can drown because of the added weight of oil. Seal pups may drown if their flippers become stuck to their bodies. Dolphins and whales may drown because the oil coats the top of the water, making it difficult to surface and breathe.


Birds covered in oil may starve if they are unable to fly, move or swim to reach food. Other marine animals may starve due to oil contamination in their food.


Some animals like the dugong can become infected if oil sticks to their sensory hairs and around their mouths. Also, when animals ingest oil, it can cause ulcers in their stomachs.

Plant Life

Some species of plant life die off, while some may be reduced. Others, like some algae, thrive in oil. According to the US Fish & Wildlife, most vegetation recovers after the oil is cleaned up.

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