A pink flamingo costume for Halloween offers a unique costume for people.
A pink flamingo costume can be a very original costume idea for kids and anyone else for any event such as a Halloween party. Here's create a pink flamingo costume that's economical for Halloween.
1. CONSTRUCT THE BODY FOR A PINK FLAMINGO COSTUME USING THE COLOR PINK & LOTS OF FEATHERS FOR A HALLOWEEN COSTUME. Use a Lot of the color pink for a flamingo costume for Halloween. Wear pants and long sleeve shirts in a matching pink color for a Halloween costume. Flamingo costumes can also be created by wearing a pink feather boa of feathers that would add to an original costume. Anything that is made of pink feathers would work. Even a pink feather duster could be used to ensemble the backend of a pink flamingo costume and can be purchased at dollar stores very cheaply. Purchase pink feathers from a craft store and use fabric glue to attach them to the sleeves to add to the authenticity of flamingo costumes.
2. MEASURE FOR THE SIZE OF A PINK FLAMINGO MASK. Simple poster board can be painted or colored a pink coloring for a Halloween costume for trick or treating or a Halloween party. To create the mask for flamingo costumes, take a piece of string or yarn and put the one end of it at the temple side of your head and string it across the face to the other temple. The purpose of this is to have a rough estimate the size of Halloween costume mask that is needed to make the pink flamingo costume mask.
3. CRAFT THE PINK FLAMINGO MASK. Take the string that was used to measure and lay it on the construction paper and then cut out an oval shape of the length that was given. The Halloween mask should be about 3 or 4 inches wide, depending on the person's preference. Hold up the mask to wear your eyes are located and then mark where they eyes would need to be cut out. Make the eye holes on the flamingo pink costume mask as large or small as needed. When the original costume mask is completed, use a large rubber band or crafting elasticity to attach to both ends of the flamingo costume mask so that it will stay on around the back of the head.
4. MAKE AN ORIGINAL COSTUME BEAK. A flamingo costume now needs a beak! To create the original costume, people can either use Halloween costume makeup to color his or her nose black. A beak can also be constructed by taking black crafting wire (piper wire) and twisting it together to form it. Use hot glue to attach the beak to the pink flamingo mask. Thus, creating an original costume for Halloween!
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