Friday, May 10, 2013

Find Nayru Houses Within The Legend Of Zelda The Minish Cap

The Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap is a single-player action-adventure game released in 2004 for the Game Boy Advanced. The game's top-down role-playing adventure style will be familiar to fans of the Legend of Zelda franchise. The Minish Cap expands the lore of the series.


1. Travel to the inn in Hyrule. Find the quest at the inn requiring you to find houses. The houses are for three ladies you'll find at the inn--Din, Farore and Nayru. The ladies are looking for houses in Hyrule, and you've been enlisted to help.

2. Choose houses for the three girls that need homes. Be aware, however, that there are only two available houses and only one girl can be in each house. As each girl provides a different charm when housed, you will need to choose the girl whose charm is most valuable to you.

3. Move Farore into a house to obtain a charm increasing your attack and defense, Din to increase only your attack and Nayru to increase only your defense. Most players will find it optimal to move Farore and Din into houses, although players finding it difficult to keep Link alive may choose Nayru's charm.

4. Locate the first house. You'll be able to fuse with Farore, the green girl. Try fusing a red-3 with her. If you're successful, Gorman will appear in town. He owns an empty house in the town and would like to rent it out. If you talk to him, he'll tell you he's looking for a girl to live in his house and will ask you to find someone. Head back to the inn and talk to any of the three girls. Whichever you talk to will move into Gorman's house.

5. Find the second house. Travel to the upper-left corner of Hyrule and find a carpenter named Bremor. Fuse a red-1 Kinstone piece with him to motivate him. Exit and enter Hyrule twice. This will allow time for the carpenter to build a house. A big house will appear where the Minish house was, near the post office. Talk to Gorman and one of the two remaining girls--that girl will move into the new house built by the carpenter.

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