Make a voodoo doll for healing or protection rituals.
Many pagans and voodoo practitioners have used voodoo dolls, also called poppets, as magical conduits for hundreds of years. Users make these small, human-shaped figures by hand for many different magical purposes, including protection and healing. The most infamous use for voodoo dolls is to harm others with them by pricking them with pins or torturing the dolls in other ways, but this use is much less popular than the positive uses. Magical practitioners who harm others are often shunned and are a small percentage of voodoo doll and magic users.
Making your own voodoo doll is not only less expensive than purchasing one, it allows you to customize the doll to your purposes. It also ensures that your energies and intent fully saturate the doll.
1. Cross your two sticks so they create a cross with three even arms and one longer arm on the bottom. The horizontal stick should be about 6 inches long and the vertical stick should be about 10 inches long. Tie them together with a length of hemp cord by wrapping the cord in an X over where the sticks cross. Knot the hemp tightly.
2. Wrap the sticks with Spanish moss. Pull the moss into a long, tangled "rope" and wrap it in an X around the centers of the sticks first, then across the right arm. Bring the moss back and wrap it around the left arm, up the top arm and down the bottom arm. Try to wrap the moss as one continuous piece.
3. Cut your fabric into 2-inch strips about 3 feet long. Wrap your first piece around the vertical stick from top to bottom, overlapping the edges of the fabric to hide the sticks and moss. Do the same across the horizontal stick with a second fabric strip. Wrap a third fabric strip around where the sticks cross in an X pattern. Leave a little moss showing at the top of the vertical stick and at the ends of the horizontal arms.
4. Snip a piece of ribbon (it can be the same color or contrast with your fabric) about 5 feet long. Glue one end of the ribbon near the bottom of your doll and wrap it up the doll, in an X where the sticks cross and around the top vertical arm, or head. Wrap it back down the doll, crossing over your first layer of wrapping to make X's. Glue the other end of the ribbon down to secure it.
5. Glue mother of pearl buttons to the doll's head to make two eyes and an "open" mouth. Slip feathers into the top of the head for hair, showing or covering the moss as you desire. Push the seven pins into the chest of your doll so they form a circle; they all have positive meanings. Yellow is success, white is positive energy, red is power, purple means spirituality, green means fortune, blue is love and black repels negative energy. The number seven is inconsequential; this is simply the number of colors important in voodoo. Order is not important.
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