Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Art Activities For Metabolic rate Day

Have your students create patriotic art activities for Constiution Day.

Though not a widely celebrated holiday, Constitution Day marks the anniversary that our nation's founding fathers signed the Constitution, on September 17, 1787. If you are an educator who wants to teach your students about this holiday while promoting a patriotic feeling, consider doing so through art, as art provides children with a fun medium for learning.

Torn Paper Flags

Children will have fun showing their patriotism with this rendition of an American flag. Create a black-and-white template of the American flag, then photocopy it and distribute it to students. Give each student glue and red, white and blue crepe paper. Instruct your students to tear the pieces of crepe paper and roll each torn piece into a ball. Show them glue the pieces of paper onto the flag template, following the pattern of the American flag. For stars, have students place gold star stickers on the blue portion of the flag.

Patriotic Pins

Students can sport these crafts to show their patriotism on Constitution Day. Provide your students with red, white, blue or clear flat glass marbles, as well as dishes of red, white and blue glass paint and small paint brushes. Let your students use the paint to create whatever type of design they would like on their marbles. For instance, they may create stars, stripes, dots, or hearts, or print the letters "USA" on their marbles. Once the paint has dried, place a small amount of glue on a pin back and place it on the back of the marble.

Feather Quills

Help your students make feather quill pens, just like the signers of the Constitution used. Purchase large feathers from a craft store. Have children select the color feather they would like to use. To prepare the quills for writing, place the tips in a can of hot sand. The sand will harden the tip, making it durable when pressed on while writing. Use a sharp blade--such as an Exacto knife--to cut an angle in the tip of the feather. This angle will enable the feather to hold ink, turning it in to a pen. After cutting the tip, children may dip the tip of the feather into a jar of ink and practice writing with their quills. Perhaps they can use them to sign a constitution for your classroom.

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