Thursday, April 11, 2013

Quail Bird Information

Quail Bird Information

Quails are often hunted for their meat and eggs. Quail feathers are also used by humans for various crafts, jewelry and quills. At least 20 types of quails exist, which differ in habitat, appearance and behavior.

Types of Species

Quails are in the pheasant or dove family depending on the species. Quail species include Japanese Quail, Stubble Quail, New Zealand Quail, Rain Quail, Harlequin Quail, Brown Quail, Blue Quail, Chinese Painted Quail, Genus Anurophasis, Snow Mountain Quail, Genus Perdicula, Jungle Bush Quail, Rock Bush Quail, Painted Bush Quail, California Quail, Ruddy Quail, Gambel's Quail, Montezuma Quail, Mountail Quail, and Scaled Quail. The New Zealand Quail has been extinct since the late 1800s.


All quails are considered to be small, plump birds. Japanese Quails are speckled with yellow and brown. The Rain Quail has mostly black plumage. The Chinese Painted Quail is the smallest species of quails. The Snow Mountain Quail has brown plumage yellow legs and brown eyes. Painted Brush Quails have a red beak and red legs. Ruddy Quails also have a red beak and red legs. California Quails are a mixture of blacks, browns, grays and whites. Gambel's Quail is a mixture of grays and whites. Montezuma Quails are plumper than others and have a short tail. Scaled Quails have light brown legs and beaks.


Scaled Quails are found in New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Utah and Arizona. These Quails prefer dessert grasslands. Montezuma Quails prefer to reside in woodlands and shrubs. Gambel's Quails are found in brushes and deserts in Mexico, New Mexico, Utah and Colorado. Ruddy Quails are not normally found in the United States but in Central America, South America and Mexico. Painted Brush Quails are found in India in forests. The Snow Mountain Quail is native to Indonesia. Brown Quail's prefer wetlands of Australia. Some species are named for their natural habitat, such as the Japanese Quail, California Quail and Chinese Painted Quail.


All quails eat seeds, insects, and small animals. Snow Mountain Quails are the exception and they eat flowers and leaves as well as seeds, insects and small animals.


All species of quails nest on the ground and usually run instead of fly although they are capable of flying. The Chinese Painted Quail is easily tamed as a pet or breeder. They are loyal and trusting quails. They reproduce frequently which make them great breeders. Females can lay an egg every day. The Gambel's Quail reproduces more often in rainy weather. These quails never migrate. Scaled Quails will roost tail to tail in groups of two or more.

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