Several species of birds in the United States have a crest on their head. Among them are a few that the average person would have no trouble identifying and some that most people do not know well.
Northern cardinal
The male northern cardinal is a brilliant red bird with a black face and an orange colored beak. The female is duller, with olive-gray above and shades of red on the tail and wings.
Cedar Waxwing
Cedar waxwing
The cedar waxwing is a crested bird with a thin yellow stripe on the end of its tail. The eyes have a mask of black around them and there are telltale red "waxy" tips on the wings' inner feathers.
Blue Jay
Blue jay
The blue jay is a conspicuous crested bird. Up to a foot in length with bright blue plumage above, white on the breast and black markings on the neck, it looks like it is wearing a false beard.
Belted Kingfisher
The belted kingfisher makes a rattling call as it flies about seeking to catch fish. It has a long bill, a white belly and neck, a blue-gray head and stripe around its throat and owns a bushy crest.
Tufted Titmouse
The tufted titmouse that often flocks to bird feeders is a 4- to 5-inch-long gray bird with a white belly and reddish sides. It makes a call that sounds like "peter, peter" and often hangs upside-down.
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