Fantail pigeons are a fancy variety but easy to feed and care for.
Distinguished by their long, beautiful fan-shaped tail, the fantail pigeon hails originally from India and is a member of the broad tail shaker species of pigeons. These smaller, attractive pigeons are often used as "dove" releases at weddings and other ceremonies because they can be trained as homing pigeons and will return to a roost after release. Though a fancy pigeon breed, fantail pigeons are easy to feed and care for.
1. Feed pigeons a quality pigeon mix. Pigeons should always have feed and grain available. Check the feeding tray daily and refill when necessary. Birds should be able to eat as much as they want whenever they want.
2. Add grains to the commercial pigeon food. Grains that are good for fantail pigeons include whole corn, millet, Milo, wheat, barley, safflower, unpopped popcorn, green and white peas and buckwheat. Be sure grains are bug-free before offering them to your birds.
3. Make grit available at all times. Use grit that is specially formulated to aid in the digestion of pigeons and is rich in calcium.
4. Provide an avian vitamin D3 supplement. Follow dosage instructions that come with the supplement.
5. Offer your fantail pigeons seeds and nuts. Favorites for these birds are roasted unsalted peanuts, shelled, unsalted sunflower seeds, raw sesame seeds and hemp seeds. Seeds and nuts can be given whenever you like as a treat but shouldn't be the only staple in their diet.
6. Feed your fantail pigeons fresh veggies such as grated carrots, garlic greens, thawed frozen peas, kale, lettuce, sprouts and spinach leaves. Enzyme-rich fruits such as papaya are also welcome treats. Remove any uneaten vegetables or fruits daily so they don't rot. Again, these can be offered as treats, but the pigeons' main diet should be commercial pigeon pellets and grains.
7. Provide clean, fresh water at all times. Clean pigeon water sources twice daily. These are dirty birds that will foul the water quickly.
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