Tuesday, March 18, 2014

House Clean After Flu

Clean House After

If you've been sick with a communicable illness, it is very important to clean your living space properly after you are well enough to do so. This prevents the germs from continuing to live in your home and keeps them from reinfecting you or getting someone else sick.


1. Being sick can really take the life out of you. Certain communicable illnesses have germs that can live a long time, so to be absolutely sure that you won't relapse or that nobody else in your house will get it, you must clean thoroughly once you are fully functioning again.

2. The most important thing you should do is wash all of your bedding, pronto! Even your comforter and any other blankets on your bed. Also, be sure to clean your pillows - your best bet is to read the instructions on the tag. Some pillows can be laundered normally, other pillows (such as feather pillows) require special care, such as dry cleaning.

3. One thing that people often forget to do is sanitize their thermometer after they've been sick with a fever. Make sure to do this pronto, or else you'll just put it away and forget about it. The easiest way to sanitize a thermometer is just to stick the end of it in a small glass of peroxide.

4. While we're on that topic, another important thing to clean is your toothbrush. I usually throw mine out altogether and get a new one, however, if you are having trouble parting with it (like it was brand new before you got sick!), you may just want to stick your toothbrush in some peroxide to disinfect as well.

5. Make sure that any dishes you used while you were ill are washed thoroughly, and use disinfecting spray and/or wipes in your kitchen area. Remember to also use disinfectant on commonly used areas in the kitchen, such as refridgerator/freezer door handles, knobs to cupboards, etc.

6. Around the house in general, it is a good idea to use a product like Lysol or some other disinfectant spray in areas that you spent time while you were sick. Maybe the couch, remote, your nightstand, etc. Remember the bathroom as well, as this can be a hotspot for germs due to favorable conditions - take the proper steps to disinfect the bathroom.

7. Lastly, remember some other items such as your phone, cell phone, and perhaps even your car (if you had to drive while sick) may need a once-over with a disinfectant wipe as well.

Following these tips will greatly decrease the chances that you'll pass your illness on to someone else or reinfect yourself with it!

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