Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Identify Roosters & Chickens

Roosters have a larger, more colorful comb than hens.

Although there are hundreds of breeds of poultry, each breed has physical and characteristic differences between the rooster (male) and the hen (female.) By observing the bird's neck feathers, combs, neck and body size, and unique sounds, you can identify whether it is a rooster or a hen.


1. Examine the characteristics of the combs, the red, loose skinlike material on the top of their heads. Roosters will have larger, more robust combs. Hens will have smaller combs that are lighter in color.

2. Look at the feathers on the neck and tail of the birds. Roosters have longer neck feathers and will puff them outwards as intimidation when provoked. Hens have relatively short neck feathers and the feathers create a smooth line. The roosters will also have more elegant tail feathers because they use that to attract females.

3. Examine the physical characteristics of the poultry. Roosters have longer necks than hens, longer legs and have larger overall bodies as well.

4. Listen for the noise the rooster and hen make since roosters and hens each have a distinctive sound. Roosters will make a crowing noise, especially during the dawn and dusk periods, while hens cackle during the egg-laying process and make clucking noises throughout the day.

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