Thursday, March 6, 2014

Take Care Of A Pet Chicken

Who didn't like the pretty, colorful chickens given around during Easter time when they were growing up? Chickens actually make very good pets year round. They are very smart, loving and clean animals, and the trend to keep them as pets seems to be growing. Here we will explain take care of your pet chicken.


take care of a pet chicken.

1. Once you take your chicken home, make sure it's not thirsty. Offer some water in one of the tiny, shallow cups. If it has difficulty swallowing it, it's very possible they gave your chicken out before his mom could teach it eat. This will demand extra care from you.

2. If your chicken doesn't know swallow, take the cotton ball and soak it in some fresh water. Take the chicken with your left hand and and very gently push his head back while you put the cotton ball soaked in water by his beak. Make sure the water does not fall in it's nostrils. Do this at least twice a day. He will learn soon. It's important to be very gentle and encouraging.

3. Now it's time to make him a nice home. Take a cardboard box that is roomy and preferably with a lid so you can keep it open during the day and close it at night when it's time to sleep. Use the scissors and contact paper to cover it nicely.

4. After covering with the paper, take the knife and make a few windows on the cardboard box with it. This will give him a peek of the outside world and also some fresh air.

5. Now, make two little holes so you can put the chopstick elevated in one corner. This will give him some good exercise and it's something all birds like.

6. Now it's time to find a place in the house for your creation. Choose a warm, secure place inside the house. A small pet chicken is not ready to live outdoors yet. It can be the laundry room or the kitchen. .

7. Now that you have parked your chicken's "mobile home" it's time for the furnishings. Put the disposable place mat on the bottom. (This will collect your chicken's waste and you can easily change daily), Place the piece of furniture from a doll house in the center and the feeding containers in the corner and voila your pet chicken's new home is ready for occupancy.

8. It is important to offer water at all times. You can feed a small chicken corn flour by itself or mixed with water or milk. You can also cover a piece or ripe banana with this mixture. If your chicken is too small you will need to hand feed and water with the cotton ball. In this case only feed with the corn flour mixed with water.

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