Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tell Men Chicken From The Female

Rooster (male chicken)

By simply observing the features and behaviors of chickens you can tell which are male and which are female. Baby chicks are often sexed by a professional because the process takes practice and training. However, when chickens are fully grown they develop traits that make it much easier to determine their gender.


1. Examine the size and color of the chicken's comb and wattle. The comb is the tuft of flesh on top of the beak and the wattle is the one below. Roosters, or male chickens, have brightly colored large combs and wattles. Hens, or female chickens, have smaller pale-colored combs and wattles.

2. Evaluate the size of the chicken compared to others in the group. Roosters tend to be taller and more massive than hens.

3. Look closely at the chicken's feathers. Hen's feathers have duller colors and are usually shorter and rounded at the ends. Rooster's feathers are often much longer and brighter, and they end in a point.

4. Watch the chicken for an hour or so to determine how physically active it is. Roosters are constantly on the move and very social. Hens tend to stay in one place for long periods of time.

5. Observe whether the chicken crows or lays eggs. Most roosters crow loudly and often, but in some instances hens will crow in the absence of a rooster. Only hens are capable of laying eggs, which will determine their female gender with complete certainty.

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