Monday, July 29, 2013

Link Science & Literacy Within The K8 Class

Using science and literacy together makes both stronger.

Linking science and literacy in the K-8 classroom can seem initially daunting. Normally, science and literacy inhabit different academic fields. However, by linking the two you can make both stronger. If your students are not comfortable being creative, use science to have them write observations. If they are not able to engage with science, read to them science fiction books to explain ideas. For young students, science and literacy can work together to develop vital skills for learning. At this age, teaching is about informing kids think, not what to think.


1. Teach science by using science fiction. Showing science fiction films allows students to gain an appreciation of the implications of what they are learning. This stops science being a theory-only subject and helps to make difficult areas more accessible. You can then use this as a basis for discussing the ethical implications of science as well as science experiments.

2. Allow science to feed literacy. If students are not confident in their writing ability, have them write their observations on something. Giving them a framework for writing will allow them to become more used to writing and the power of words as a way to describe the world. Ask them to pick an item in their house and write a detailed description of it. Tell them to imagine that they are a scientist sent to a new planet, and they have to describe this item in detail without using its name. Each student can then read out his or her description and have other children guess what the item is.

3. Get creative with science. Learn about the properties of a particular animal or species and then ask the children to design their own. For example, explain to them the biological definition of a bird. Have the students design anatomically proper birds of their own design. As long as they are two-legged, warm-blooded and have feathers and wings, the children can be as creative as they like. Ask each student in turn explain the bird to the class.

4. Give the children private science notebooks to record their experiments. Tell them that you will not read what is written in them. The students will feel comfortable writing their science observations and will become more comfortable with the written word. They will learn best express ideas and concepts for later reference.

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