Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Prune A Dwarf Japanese Red-colored Walnut

A Japese maple has distinctive red leaves.

Dwarf Japanese maple trees can reach up to 8 feet in height. When planting these trees it's important to give them enough space and prevent grass from encroaching on their growth. To prune a dwarf Japanese maple tree, use bypass shears, lopping shears, and a pruning saw. Fungal infections, branches rubbing against each other and discolored parts of the tree should be removed. Prune your dwarf Japanese maple tree to restore its health.


1. Choose a time in the midsummer to prune your dwarf Japanese maple tree. Because maples can ooze sap, you reduce the flow of sap by pruning in the summer months. Oozing sap and open wounds are a hospitable environment for pests and fungal diseases. Prune the tree between mid-July and August.

2. Remove any fungal infections from the tree. Anthracnose, maple wilt, tar spot, and sap streak commonly infest maple trees. Inspect your tree for black discoloration, defoliation, and black splotches on leaves. Remove fungal infections by dipping your pruning tool in a mixture of 70 percent denatured alcohol and 30 percent water.

3. Make a downward 45 degree cut 1/2 an inch above a healthy outward growing bud. Collect all diseased foliage and branches and throw them in the trash. Do not let the diseased leaves collect underneath the tree---they will cause the fungal disease to spread.

4. Remove any branches that have received winter damage. To know what branches are alive, use a knife to scrape at the bark. If you see greenish white underneath, the branch is alive. Brown or discoloration indicates a dead branch.

5. Cut any branches that are rubbing against each other, growing outside of their designated growing site, or growing on the ground.

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