Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Make Boutique Hairbows With Down

Hair bows are made in many different styles.

To make a hair bow with feathers, you first need to buy or make a base to which you will attach the feathers. You can make one from a rectangle of leather or with a piece of cardboard covered in softer suede leather. Some craft and fabric shops sell small packages of scrap suede, or you can use any that you have left over from another project. While you can use fabric instead, joining feathers to leather is more traditional.


1. Cut a rectangle from the cardboard that is 1/2-inch wider and longer than the hair barrette.

2. Cut a piece of fabric or suede that is 1/2-inch wider and longer than the cardboard.

3. Place the fabric wrong side up on your work surface. Apply a smooth coat of glue to one side of the cardboard. Center the cardboard on the fabric piece with the glue side down.

4. Turn the piece over and smooth it with your fingers to make sure it is flat and even.

5. Turn it back over and glue the edges of the fabric to the underside of the cardboard.

6. Make a thin line of hot glue across the bottom of the covered cardboard about a 1/8 inch from the edge. Press in a row of feathers, one by one, making a straight row across the covered cardboard.

7. Add another line of hot glue 1/4 to 1/2 inch above the first row. Press feathers onto the form one by one to complete row 2. Make sure the feathered ends cover the tops of the previous row. Create another row of feathers across. This is row 3.

8. Make one more line across the top of the covered cardboard form and press in the top row of feathers. If there are any visible gaps in any of the rows, glue in additional feathers.

9. Glue a piece of rick-rack across the top row of the feather ends. You can also use a row of beads. The colors of the beads or rick-rack should complement the colors in the feathers.

10. Allow the glue to dry completely overnight and then glue the entire piece to the top side of the hair barrette using hot glue.

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