Friday, January 11, 2013

About Silkie Chickens

About Silkie Chickens

Silkie chickens are a popular breed of backyard chicken. They make excellent surrogate mothers. Silkie chickens are considered an ancient breed of chicken and originally came from Japan and China.


Silkie chickens have what is called "walnut combs." This is the name of the chicken comb that results when a "pea" comb chicken and a "rose" comb chicken are bred together. Their feathers resemble furry down, and this is likely how Silkie chickens got their name. A typical male Silkie chicken grows to be approximately 4 lbs. and a typical female Silkie chicken is approximately 3 lbs.


Silkie chickens are not skilled fliers. For this reason, owners need not clip their wings. Silkie chickens tolerate being confined quite well. Because of their timid nature and lack of flying ability, they are at risk from predators. Silkie chickens live long lives as long as they are kept safe from predators.


Silkie chickens prefer roosts that are no higher than 4 feet from the ground. This is at least partly because of their lack of flying ability.


Silkie chickens are quiet, friendly and easy to approach. They are an excellent choice for a family pet. These chickens are calm and bond readily with people. They are considered suitable for people beginning to raise chickens.

Silkie Mothers

Silkie chickens are excellent nest sitters. Silkie hens are known for steadfastly guarding a nest full of eggs and are also very protective mothers of young chicks. In the face of danger, a Silkie hen often challenges the danger and attempts to intimidate the predator.

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