In 2000, WebMD reported that lice have mutated and that resistance to Permethrin--- the main ingredient in most lice treatments---is quite common. There are also alternative means to kill lice and prevent infestations, such as rubbing alcohol.
Treating Lice Infestations with Permethrin
1. Wash your hair using your regular shampoo and conditioner.
2. Pat dry your hair, but don't rub the towel through your hair as this is likely to cause tangles. Wait for 10 minutes and shake the bottle of Permethrin shampoo well. Pour the shampoo in your hands.
3. Work the shampoo through the hair and the scalp. The entire head should be wet with the Permethrin shampoo.
4. Rinse the shampoo out of your hair after 10 minutes. Divide the hair in sections and use the nit comb that came with the shampoo or a very fine tooth comb to comb the hair.
5. Dip the comb in hot water after each stroke of the comb. Comb through the hair a second time to remove any nits or lice that may have been left behind.
Treating Lice Infestations with Rubbing Alcohol
6. Separate those who are infested away from those who are not. This includes children in school, adults going to work, and even other family members. Inform anyone who has been in close contact with someone infested. This will allow them to check and treat themselves to avoid spreading it again.
7. Place all sheets, bedspreads, linens, dirty clothes, pillows, into the washer. Wash everything with hot water and laundry detergent.
8. As an alternative to Permethrin, pour 90+% rubbing alcohol into a plastic spray bottle until it is about 2/3 full. Fill the other half with hot water. Shake well. Spray your entire head with the alcohol solution while wearing a face mask. Work the alcohol into your hair and scalp with your fingers. Keep a towel over the eyes when spraying the alcohol to avoid contact. Wrap your hair in a towel. Leave the towel on your head for 15 minutes.
9. Spray any couches, pillows, curtains, toys, and any other fabrics that cannot be washed with the solution. Allow each area to dry. Spray again. Remove the towel from your head and spritz on a leave-in conditioner. Gather the hair into four sections. Use the nit comb to comb through all of the hair, being sure to dip the comb in hot water after each stroke. Comb through the hair again.
10. Vacuum the entire house twice. This will pick up any louse or nits that may be in the carpets, thus preventing another infestation.
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