Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Flamingo Defend Itself

How Does a Flamingo Defend Itself?

With their height, slenderness and beaks designed for specialized feeding, flamingos can't attack when they're threatened. Though flamingos aren't able to fight predators, they do take a number of precautions to keep predation to a minimum.


Flamingos live in a range of tropical and sub-tropical areas, but all flamingo species tend to live in and around alkaline and saline lakes lacking in vegetation. Because few animals live in these inhospitable environments, flamingos are relatively safe from predators.


The most common predators of flamingos are other birds that attack the chicks. Big cats, foxes, hyenas, feral pigs and pythons have also been known to prey upon flamingos.

Flock Behavior

Flamingos alert other flock members through loud vocalizations when they see a predator in the area.

Nesting and Chicks

Flamingos build large mounds of mud for their nest, scooping out an indentation at the top for the egg. The high nests help protect the eggs from predation, as well as from flooding and heat. Once hatched, one parent is almost invariably with the chick, making it difficult for other birds to prey upon it.


The flamingo's only real defense is to fly away from the predator that's stalking them. Since young chicks can't fly, they are at the greatest risk.

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