Thursday, January 31, 2013

Easy & Fun Party Games & Activities

Plan fun and easy games for a children's party.

When you are planning a party for children, it's a good idea to prepare some games and activities. That way, there is plenty for the kids to do at the party and no one becomes bored. Consider choosing games that are easy for the children to play and that don't require lengthy instructions.

Sponge Relay Race

This game is perfect for an outdoor children's party because it is fun and simple. Divide the children into two teams and line them up single file. Place a medium-sized empty bucket just in front of the lines of children and a large bucket filled with water about 10 yards away. Give the child at the front of the line a large dry sponge. When you say go, the child in front should run to the bucket of water, wet the sponge, run to the empty bucket and squeeze the water out. She should then hand the sponge to the next child, who repeats the process. The team that fills the bucket first wins.

Blow The Feather

This game works well either inside or outside. Give each party guest a feather. When you say go, the guests have to keep their feathers in the air by blowing on them. They cannot use their hands. You can even tie the player's hands behind their backs if that makes it easier. The last player to keep his feather in the air wins.

Sweet Treats

Let the party guests decorate their own sweet treats as an activity at the party. Simplify this activity by baking a batch of cookies or cupcakes ahead of time and allowing them to cool. Place the cookies or cupcakes on a table with bowls of frosting, sprinkles and other toppings. Choose different colors of frosting, piping bags and candies with different flavors, shapes and colors.

Name That Tune

Name that tune is a fun party activity for older children and teenagers who like listening to popular music. Ahead of time, create a playlist on your mp3 player or a CD using music that is popular with the party guests. Gather the party guests around you and begin playing a song. The first guest to shout out the name of the song gets a point. The guest with the most points at the end of the game wins. You can also play the game so that the first person to reach 5 or 10 points wins. Give out a mixed CD containing the songs to the winner.

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