Thursday, June 27, 2013

Kill Chicken Lice

Chicken lice is a term that includes at least six different species of chewing or biting louse that infest chickens. The lice spreads through the flock through close-quarter contact with infected chickens. These infestations can be quite severe and cause the birds to lose weight or have reduced egg production. Chicken lice live their life cycle on the bird, so only the chickens need be treated--not the bedding or chicken house.


Treating a Flock

1. Mix the liquid carbaryl according to the manufacturer's directions in a quantity sufficient for the number of birds you need to treat. Add the carbaryl solution to the sprayer.

2. Confine the chickens to an area in preparation for spraying. Remove water and grain feeders from the treatment area.

3. Spray the chickens with the carbaryl solution sufficiently to soak the birds to the skin. Be sure to wet the chickens' vent area, and spray the underside of the chickens' bodies.

4. Return chickens to their usual run, and provide food and water after treatment.

5. Repeat every two weeks until no mites are found on any birds in the flock.

Treating Individual Chickens

6. Hold the chicken with gentle firmness, and shake the carbaryl dust over its body. Avoid getting the dust in the chicken's face.

7. Fluff the chicken's feathers to be certain the carbaryl dust penetrates the feathers to the skin.

8. Pay special attention to the chicken's vent area, breast and thighs when applying dust as these areas can have the highest concentration of lice.

9. Repeat the process every two weeks until no lice are found on the chicken

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