Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Results Of Oil Spills On Seafood

Effects of Oil Spills on Fish

There are many different ways that an oil spill can affect marine life. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicates that the seriousness of the situation depends upon what kind of oil was spilled and how much, among other things.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service indicates that there are five different groups of oil. Very light oils evaporate quickly, but are acutely toxic to fish. Light oil leaves a film on land and rocks. Medium oils cause serious contamination to intertidal areas. Heavy oils damage the soil layers. Last, very heavy oils linger as oil sinks to the bottom.


Fish are harmed by feeding on contaminated larvae, algae and plankton. They also absorb the toxins directly into their bodies through the gills. Some fish eggs are destroyed by the contamination around them. Adult fish lose their ability to reproduce. They also develop fin rot, enlarged livers and an inability to grow to full size.


Fish are unsafe for eating and their numbers decrease for years after a serious oil spill. The Global Marine Oil Pollution Information Gateway indicates that judging by the effects of the Exxon Valdez spill upon salmon populations, the effects can be both severe and long-lasting.

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