For thousands of years, humans have used turquoise---in startling shades of blue and green---in jewelry craft. A turquoise necklace design is as simple or complex as you make it--impacted entirely by the complexity of any existing designs you imitate, the size, shape and color of your turquoise nuggets, and the necklace-making supplies you use.
1. Look at existing turquoise nugget necklace designs. Besides the shape and/or color of your nuggets and the other materials you'll use (beads, crimps, head pins, necklace strands, wire, leather, pendants, feathers), existing designs can help you create something similar or serve as a source of inspiration for new designs.
2. Decide on the type (natural or treated) of drilled turquoise blue nuggets that you want for your necklaces, and the amount of money you want to spend.
Natural turquoise has a matrix (lines) of metals/other elements interspersed throughout the turquoise. Expensive nuggets have a unique pattern, an interesting history or few lines in a "true blue," "robin's egg" or "sky blue" color. Cheaper, extremely soft/porous nuggets make poor jewelry, but once treated or "stabilized" (processed with acrylic resins and dye for improved color or hardness), they look like their expensive counterparts and can work just as well.
3. Make a sketch of your design using drawing supplies (paper, pencil, marker or colored pencils) or graphic design and/or 3D design software. A visual design reference can help you to make sure that you have the pieces organized correctly when making your necklace.
To use design software to create a virtual design, take photographs of each turquoise piece and potential accessories, insert them on a solid background, and layer or edit as you choose.
4. Hand-experiment to make a design. Place the turquoise nuggets you've selected on a solid-colored background. Place them side-by-side or in combination with necklace accessories such as beads, pendants or pre-designed handmade turquoise; you also can use bead combination pieces you've already made using head pins or wire.
You may discover during this process that the color combinations don't work or that certain pieces don't fit or match. Add or subtract as needed, and complete any additional handmade pieces before continuing.
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