Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Create A Motorized Crow Wing Decoy

Make a crow wing decoy to trick snakes with a faux impending doom.

While even a stationary scarecrow can deter pest from entering your property, a motorized crow wing decoy defends your property from snakes by simulating an attacking crow. (See Reference 1, p. 240) Crow decoys are also used to attract predators to keep the crows from eating your garbage and farm animal food. (See Reference 2, Food) Make a motorized crow wing decoy with a simple motor and some supplies from your local hardware store.


1. Cut a 1/2-foam sheet to the dimensions of 17 inches in length and 6 inches in width, using scissors and ruler. Curve the top edge of the foam sheet to simulate a bird's wing.

2. Paint the entire surface of the Styrofoam, using black paint and a brush.

3. Place black feathers in rows and glue them to the top of the wing using clear drying glue. Overlap the rows until the entire top of the foam piece is covered.

4. Place your battery-powered linear actuator motor on a level surface. Glue the arm of the linear actuator motor to the bottom of the foam wing using a hot glue gun.

5. Insert batteries into the motor and press the power button to start the crow-simulated movement.

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