Monday, February 4, 2013

Make Feather Ad banners

You can make feather banners out of nylon.

Feather banners are a way of advertising businesses and services. They consist of a flexible pole, which curves at the top and holds the nylon banner in place below. The design of feather banners means that, unlike flags, the banner is on display at all times and isn't dependent on a breeze. You can purchase custom feather banners online but it might also be cheaper to make your own at home. You need basic sewing skills and can purchase the materials from your local hiking store and haberdashery.


1. Design the style of your feather banner. Decide whether you want to use one nylon color or sew several together to make the banner.

2. Measure the nylon to cut the correct length to fit the height of the tent pole. You want the feather banner to start about half a meter off the ground so it is easily visible.

3. Choose the width of the nylon. Depending on the purpose of your feather banner, you will also need to make it wide enough to fit any designs or logos on that you want to display. At this stage, you will also need to leave enough room to one side of the nylon to wrap around the tent pole so the flag will be secure. Use the tent pole to measure how much extra material you need.

4. Cut the nylon design out and, if necessary, sew any designs or colors together. Put the tent pole together and lay it flat on the ground. Bend the top of the tent pole over so that it ends up almost at a right angle to the bottom. Do not force it but allow the top quarter of the pole to bend across the width of the nylon you have just cut. Use a heavy object to keep the top section of the tent pole in place and wrap one vertical edge of the nylon around the circumference of the tent pole. Pin it in place using the clothes pins. Ensure the nylon tube you have created fits the pole snugly.

5. Slide the nylon off the pole without disturbing the pins. Sew along the pinned section using the sewing machine, removing the pins as you go. Remember to retain the curved section at the top of the banner as this will hole the tent pole in place when the banner is up, ensuring the flag is displayed properly.

6. Drive a metal stake into the ground where you want to display the banner. Assemble the tent pole and slide the nylon banner onto the pole. Attach it in an upright position to the metal stake using industrial tape. Your banner will be on display.

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