Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Create A Raven Mask

Use images of real ravens as inspiration for your project.

Ravens, or large black-feathered birds with black beaks, have appeared in mythologies and stories from around the world. In Celtic mythology, ravens are regarded as birds of divination, as they were considered the alternate shape of some of Irish gods. The raven is the subject of the famous poem of the same name by Edgar Allen Poe and are referenced by literary character Don Quixote, who proclaims the legendary King Arthur did not die but rather was turned into a raven. Create raven masks for Halloween parties, theater productions or as an afternoon craft project.


1. Practice your raven mask outline a few times on scrap paper before making the mask. Sketch a mask that covers the forehead, eyes (with slits) and the upper cheekbones, with a long triangular nose piece in the middle for the beak. Trace the image from a piece of card stock (or more bendable paper if you prefer) that's about 10 inches in diameter and about 5 inches in length plus the beak, which adds another 2 or 3 inches to the mask. These measurements can be adjusted depending on the size of the face you are outfitting.

2. Cut the mask out of the paper tracing. Punch holes on the sides of the mask with a hole punch for threading string through later on. Cut the eye sockets out of the mask as well.

3. Decorate the mask as desired. Options include covering the mask entirely with black craft feathers or using black sequins around the eyes and the edges of the mask in addition to the craft feathers. Encrust the entire mask with black sequins, glitter and small faux black jewels and place black feathers around the edges of the mask. Another option is to paint the mask black and use embellishments as desired.

4. Thread a sturdy piece of string that is long enough to fit comfortably around your head through the holes in the mask.

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