Monday, September 30, 2013

Do Beading For Moccasins

Native American moccasins were often decorated with colorful beads.

The Native American tribes made a variety of moccasins, both decorated and plane. The Sioux developed a striking style of moccasin with geometric beaded patterns that is often imitated in modern replicas. The "lazy stitch" is the usual method for this type of beading. While not a difficult stitch to learn, getting the stitches even takes practice. Research genuine Sioux beading designs in books and old photos for an authentic look.


1. Draw a pencil line as a base line for your design. The lines of beads will be perpendicular to this line. For a complex design, draw a grid for each row of beads. You may wish to work one half of the design first, then the other.

2. Punch a horizontal hole through the leather mid-way on the base line and parallel to it. Use a very thin awl. Punch the hole one-and-a-half beads wide and half the thickness of the leather.

3. Run a length of heavy cotton thread through beeswax, then thread the needle, pull it double and tie a knot at the end. A double strand of thread should just fill the bead hole. This keeps the work tight.

4. String six to eight beads onto the thread and lay the line out perpendicular to the base line. Punch the second hole with the awl about half a bead width short of the end of the line. The lines threaded this way will form a small arc. Pull the thread through the second hold and thread on more beads. Place it beside the first line, barely touching. Continue in this manner until the first row of beads is in place.

5. Add the second row of beads in line with the first. The lines can touch the first row, or there can be a small gap. Take the beading out and start again if you make a mistake.

6. Tie off the thread when it is filled, tuck the end under the bead work and put another length of thread in the needle. No knots should show on either side of the leather.

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