Sunday, February 2, 2014

Other Ways To Use Plastic Compact disc Cases

The new trend is music is to switch from compact discs and other traditional media to digital formats. If you've recently gone digital and have a bunch of old CD cases, don't throw them away. Instead use them to create useful or decorative projects and gifts. These recycling projects are great for kids and adults alike.

Picture Frame

Because CD cases are clear, they're useful for displaying small family photos. They're roomy enough to accommodate paper mats or backgrounds and can be lit from behind. Several of CD-case picture frames grouped together in a larger art piece can have quite an impact . Large posters or photographs can be cut into small squared and placed in CD cases to create a mosaic image effect on a wall.

Wall Art

Like the picture frame projects, CD cases can be used to create wall art installations. Instead of using photographs, they can be filled with various objects such as feathers, ribbon or colored paper. They can be displayed on the wall in any number of design groupings or even suspended from the ceiling.


Coasters are a popular CD-case project. They can be filled with scrap pieces of fabric from other projects to tie them into your decor. The fabric can be changed from season to season, in keeping with your changing decor.

Display Case

Collectors can use CD cases to store and display their small valuables. The size and depth of the cases make them perfect for bottle caps, trading cards, match books, newspaper clippings, small mounted insects and other memorabilia.


Rather than placing items inside the case and closing them up, use CD cases in their open position to make desk calendars. A line of glue across an open case makes a picture-frame style flap that allows the calendar to stand on your desk. Hand crafted or printed calenders slide neatly into the area designed for the CD's original booklet.

Shelf Protectors

CD cases can protect your shelves, counter tops and windowsills from scratches and damage caused by planters and other heavy objects. They're not suitable for catching water, so you'll still need to have a drip pan or tray under your planters, but placing that tray and plant on top of the CD case can prevent damage associated with coarse pottery.

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