Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Have Fun With A 1monthold Baby

At one month, your baby is getting better at associating things he hears with things he sees. Playing games with him will help him refine his new skills. (The following information has been adapted from Dr. Segal's book series, "Your Child at Play.")


1. Use nursery rhymes to introduce your baby to rhythm and cadence. Use old favorites like "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe," or make up your own.

2. Make a puppet out of a paper plate and move it back and forth about 10 inches from your baby's face. After a while he'll learn to follow it with his eyes and greet it with a smile.

3. Use a straw to blow warm breath on your baby's arms and tummy. As your baby focuses attention on different parts of his body, he learns more about himself.

4. Attach a piece of elastic to a small stuffed animal and attach the elastic to the ceiling. Position your baby under it and make the animal jump and bounce.

5. Stroke different parts of your baby's body gently with a paintbrush, a feather or a cotton ball. He will respond with a contented expression or even a smile.

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