Thursday, October 31, 2013

Treat Feather Mites

Most mites have a 7-day life cycle. Insecticide spray can be applied to destroy adult mites but unfortunately it won't kill the eggs. If your bird is left untreated for the mite infestation, the mites will eventually spread to other pets and humans that live in the household. If you see bald spots showing up on your bird and the bird is constantly ruffling and preening its feathers or even plucking them out, you should provide mite treatment. Restless, itchy birds often begin plucking their feathers. This can become a long term problem, even after successful mite eradication.


1. Remove your bird from its cage as gently as possible with your right hand to avoid causing your bird excessive stress.

2. Spread apart your index finger and middle finger on your left hand and turn your hand palm side up.

3. Position the bird's head between your spread fingers so the bird is laying on its back.

4. Extend your left arm straight out. Hold the bird down on its back on the table with your pointer finger and thumb over its neck and chest and spread the right wing open by gently guiding the tip of the wing up with your right thumb until the wing is fully extended.

5. Move your left thumb onto the bottom of the opened wing and hold it in place.

6. Spray an insecticide that is approved for avian use over the wing while simultaneously shielding the bird's eyes from the spray with your fingers.

7. Spray the left wing by spreading it open in the same fashion.

8. Continue to hold the bird down on its back and spray the underside of the tail feathers thoroughly.

9. Spray the table and then wipe the spray off with your pointer finger. Rub the tip of your pointer finger over the top of your bird's head.

10. Ask an assistant to spray your bird's cage with the insecticide and then thoroughly wash your bird's cage and all of its contents with antibacterial soap and hot water. Dry the cage and then place your bird back into the cage.

11. Apply the insecticide spray to your bird and treat the cage by following the instructions in the previous step every other day for 8 days.

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