Friday, March 22, 2013

Fun Activities For Children To Complete In A Dance

Keeping kids entertained at dances can be a difficult task.

Dances can be scary events for some kids who either do not know how or do not want to dance. There are activities that kids who can do to make their dance experience more enjoyable. These might include a funny and easy dance that everyone can do together or activities that the kids who do not want to dance can do alone or with a friend. Dances can be very uncomfortable for some kids, but certain activities may make them feel comfortable and open them up to having some fun.

The Chicken Dance

The chicken dance is a funny dance that is sure to let everyone loosen up for a good time. Have everyone who would like to participate in the dance gather and stand in a big circle. Play the chicken dance song and have someone instruct the kids do the dance the first time to song plays. The dance starts off with opening and closing your hands like a chicken's beak four times and then flapping your "wings" four times. Next, Shake your "tail feathers" four times and finally, clap your hands four times. As the kids get the hang of it, speed up the song each time. The song is funny and the kids are sure to have fun with it.

Video Game Stations

Depending on the school, you can choose to set up a couple of video game stations for the kids that do not want to dance. These stations will give the kids an opportunity to have fun while participating with other kids. The video game that you allow them to play is the key. Make sure it is a game that more than one person can play and it does not take that long to play a game. Some games even let the kid get active while playing. Have a chaperone stay at each station to watch over the gaming and behavior of the kids playing.

The Hokey Pokey

Depending on the age group of the kids at the dance, another fun dance that everyone can do is the hokey pokey. This dance is old, but it is still fun and very easy to learn. The lyrics to the song tell you what to do while you are doing it. The hokey pokey is a goofy dance that will lighten the spirits of the kids that participate. One of the best features of this dance is how easy it is to do it. It is a fun dance for younger kids to do. Middle school kids may be too old to have interest in participating.

Cake Walk

A cake walk is a fun and delicious way for kids to have fun at a dance. A cake walk is kind of like musical chairs, but without the chairs. Ask some the kid's parents or guardians to bake a cake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies or any other sweet food item and bring it to the dance. Tape pieces of paper to the floor, in a circular motion, and write numbers on the paper. Use one less piece of paper as kids you want to participate.

Start a song and let the kids walk from paper to paper, stop the music and tell them to stand on a number. Then, draw a number from a hat and whoever is standing on that number gets to choose the baked item they would like to take home with them. One kid will always be left out of the circle when the music stops; they are out and a new player gets to play.

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