Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Indian Gourd Crafts

The gourd family includes over 700 species.

Native Americans used hard-shelled gourds in a variety of crafts. These gourds, which are indigenous to the Americas, were very important to many tribes, especially for containers. Gourds were also carved, etched, and painted. Modern Native American artists continue to make gourd crafts using both traditional and modern techniques.

Carved Masks

Some tribes carve masks from dried gourds, such as the Cherokee "Booger," or bogey, mask. Although originally a caricature of the tribe's enemies, Booger masks today portray people the artist wants to make fun of, which can include the artist. Create a mini mask to hang on the wall by cutting a gourd in half lengthwise. Paint a face on one side and decorate with feathers.

Etched and Painted

Caribe Indians on the island of Dominica carve complex designs into gourds while they are still green. After the gourds dry, the image is permanently etched into the exterior. Create this same look using wood burning tools on a dried gourd. Use paint to highlight areas of the design.


Gourds were used by Native Americans as containers, such as pots and bowls. Gourds were desired as water pitchers over pottery because they are lighter and cool water by evaporation. Cut a mini gourd to make a tiny basket container. Draw lines for the handle and cut away the space around it using a mini jig saw or small keyhole saw. Clean out the pulp and seeds. Draw basket lines onto the bottom and use a wood burning tool to permanently etch lines in the basket.

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