Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Perform A Time Of Aquarius Ceremony

Many people feel a deep connection with the universe at large.

Every 2,150 years, a new astrological age begins. The Age of Aquarius is expected in the year 2150; however, astrologers, psychics, teachers, gurus and spiritualists have differing opinions on both the actual date and what will occur. You can create a ceremony now or wait until you feel the time is right. Because a ceremony can be deeply personal and subjective to your own beliefs and spiritual background, trust your intuition, gather family and friends and celebrate the dawning of a new age.


1. Decide the type of ceremony you want to offer. (A Native American will have different prayers, for example, than a Tibetan Buddhist. ) If you plan to be alone, a single candle and drum could be sufficient. A deity or deities of importance to you can be symbolically represented and honored. If you plan to invite friends and family, do so about three weeks in advance of the ceremony date.

2. Prepare the setting for the ceremony. This can be indoors or out. Prepare a simple altar and invite others to bring objects for it. Suggested items with special focus on Aquarius can include special feathers, small aluminum, sparkling objects or sculptures, amethyst, garnet, images of water and the actual Zodiac sign. An altar cloth colored aquamarine, turquoise or blue to suggest water can serve as a nice backdrop. Add your usual altar items, and have candles and incense ready to light.

3. Gather the group together. You can form a circle, or simply sit or stand around comfortably. Begin with a welcome and share the purpose of your gathering. An example would be, "Good evening and thank you for coming. We are here to join hands and voices to ring in the Age of Aquarius -- a time of peace, kindness and love for all beings."

4. Ring a bell, start a rhythm on the drum, or if you have live musicians, they can play (flute, harp, more drums and ethereal-sounding music will work). Dedicate the ceremony to your deity and invite spirits of place, ascended masters, angels, guides and so forth to attend. Face the four directions in turn and honor the elements and creatures of the east, south, west and north. Welcome knowledge and compassion from above, grounding and support from beneath your feet.

5. Light the incense and candles. Ideally, everyone has a candle to light, so light yours, then that of the person next to you and send it round. Speak words about unity, peacefulness, beauty, love and abundance, and greet the Age of Aquarius into your hearts and minds with the purpose of living in highest consciousness. Invite others who are with you to share their thoughts, hopes, visions and feelings about the era.

6. Make offerings of water to the Earth. Offer gratitude for clear waters everywhere and ask that the waters of life run clear always for all beings. You can pour water from a bowl or pitcher as you speak, or each person can take turns pouring a little out, to honor the Water Bearer that is Aquarius. Offer blessings in words as well as by throwing flowers or other items into a fire. Let the music and drums build throughout.

7. Complete the ceremony by giving thanks to the elements, directions, spirits and so forth invited into your circle, and to Mother Earth, God and to all beings who share the planet with you. Close with a line to the group, and to the heavens, arms spread wide saying, for example, "And so, we are at one with each other. Welcome, Age of Aquarius!" Drum, dance, share a meal and celebrate as your hearts lead.

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