Thursday, August 15, 2013

Treat Hurt Cockatiels

Cockatiels are most likely to get injured when their wings have not been properly clipped and they fly into windows to other obstructions. It is also possible for cockatiels to injure themselves during molting when flight feathers may become uneven. Look for swelling in the wings or the inability to fly as sign that your cockatiel is injured.


1. Take your cockatiel to an avian vet if you think it may be injured. If an avian vet is not available, look for signs of swelling, the inability to fly or shivering as signs of injury.

2. Place bird in a hospital cage away from other birds. If you don't have other birds, place bird back in its cage.

3. Try wrapping the injured wing with gauze by cutting a slit large enough to fit over the healthy wing and wrap around the bird's body to secure the injured wing in place.

4. Take out all perches except those closest to food and water. The idea is to keep the bird from trying to fly or move around too much.

5. Place a heating pad below the bird cage or next to it, depending on your set up. Cockatiels need warmth to help them heal.

6. Keep your bird cage covered and darkened for several weeks. If you weren't able to successfully wrap the wing, this will keep the bird for moving around.

7. Supply your bird with fresh water and food rich in protein each day.

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