Friday, August 2, 2013

Develop A Nesting Position For Peacocks

Peacocks are part of the peafowl family.

A male peafowl, known as a peacock, is famous for its flamboyant feather display to lure females, or also known as peahens. A peahen can lay up to 30 eggs in a nest and these can be left to hatch independently or artificially incubated for breeding. You can build a nesting area for peacocks by fencing off a suitable space for the birds. By doing so, you can provide the right type of habitat for the peacock and peahen to nest.


1. Assess the space in which the peafowl roam to find a suitable area to fence off for nesting. Choose an area that has trees, long grasses and is secluded. Peahens like to build nests in a quiet area that is not easily disturbed.

2. Fence off an area measuring at least 20 feet square and 8 feet high for the peafowl using 1/2-inch-to-1-inch chicken wire. This is enough space for three birds. Bury the wire 6 inches below ground level. This will prevent predators entering the nesting area and steeling eggs. The height is necessary for the peacock to display his feathers, but not fly away.

3. Position a wooden coop in the grassy area of the pen. If there is not much grass, then plant some bushy scrubs around the area to help the birds feel more secure. Scatter straw in the base of the coop and around the outside area. Wood shavings are also a suitable option for bedding.

4. Provide chicken pellets and mixed grain as food for the birds. With a rich diet, the peacocks and peahens will be healthy to breed. Leave a water trough in the nesting area.

5. Add a male peacock and up to five peahens in the same nesting area. However, you will need more than 20 feet square of space for six birds.

6. Place fake eggs in the wooden coop when the peahen is getting ready to lay so the peahen gets the idea on where to lay them. You will know when she is ready to nest because her wings hang low at her side and she walks stooped over. The male may well scratch out a natural nest in the grassy area, so leave the fake eggs here in this case.

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